Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: Year in Review

"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see." - Winston Churchill

Good Evening Readers!

I'm blogging twice in a day. Dedication right here guys!  Since there is only a couple of hours left of 2012 I'm going to reflect back on the year that was twenty twelve. This year I was a Senior at QASMT and part of the Class of 2012! I seriously love my cohort and could not have asked for a better group of people to spend my time at QASMT with. 

This year admin decided to be geniuses and changed our timetable where we start with Period 1 and have 'Pauses' where we just stop moving and pause. Anyways, a lot has happened this year and here is a recap of it, in basically no particular order of school events then random events!

The formal for QASMT was brought forward a term so we could 'focus' on Mocks. Formal is a once in a life time opportunity and it was a very enjoyable experience although the food was a bit terrible. I got my Semi stuff 1/2 hours before and since Formal is more important I got my stuff a day before. LOL. Thank you to Jade's family for holding the pre and Nicole's family for holding the post!

Year 12 Retreat was a 3 day, 2 night camp and it was so amazing! I loved every single moment of it, and I wouldn't hesitate to go again! The activities that we completed and the battle scars that came with them were completely worth it! So don't even hesitate to go to Year 12 Retreat!


Our Music Captains Eileen and Tim were able to bring back Arts Showcase this year and I'm really glad that they. I swear QA kids are so talented and I'm really glad that they had the opportunity to showcase their talent for us! We were also able to see Harry again! 

Two weeks before my final exams was the Grade 12 Farewell Assembly! The teacher's item was 'I Come From the Land of IB' and I think it was the best one I've seen by far! It was really great to see the entire school supporting the Seniors of 2012 for the final exams! 

Graduation was a day I couldn't not believe that had arrived after 12 years of school! But none the less it was such a great night. I'm really happy to have celebrated end of the International Baccalaureate and High School with my cohort! Thank you to Jade's family for holding our Graduating Party!

And those are my school related highlights! Here are the non-school related ones which including meeting Karise Eden and The Collective 

So these have been some of my favourite moments of 2012. This year has been filled with its ups and downs, but I hope that everyone remembers the good ones and forget the not so good ones! It is the new year tomorrow and I hope that 2013 is a lovely year for everyone!

Happy New Year!

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