Friday, August 10, 2012

Page 174

Hi! I know I haven't been blogging in ages because wo mei shi jian. LOL. But it is okay, I'm blogging now. I've decided to conform and I'm now using the new blogger thingy, I don't like it but at the same time I do.... If you have a particular book then this blog title will make sense but otherwise continue one. Here is my attempt to remember 5 weeks of school:

Handed in Extended Essay and World Literature. Yay. The feeling of completing EE is quite possibly the best feeling ever! :)

I actually legit cannot remember what has happened during school. My bad. But here is some random photo spam, hopefully I remember something interesting. But today was the Great Debate '12 and I must say it was the best I've seen. Grade 12 Team was made up of Nicole, David and Liam and they were so funny. I was a bit disappointed with the teacher team, they just weren't as funny as previous years :(

  Introducing McMort, McSanta and McChicken
Wrong Direction
 And this is why the Student Team should have won. ahahahahah. 

In other news, on Wednesday the 8th of August we were fortunate to have the Australian of the Year, Geoffrey Rush and Young Australian of the Year, Marita Cheng come to school as part of this tour thing. It was freaking amazing to be in the same room as Geoffrey Rush. Unfortunately, we couldn't get his signature or a photo with him, so freaking jealous of those people who did :( but it is all good I breathed the same air as him, and therefore I indirectly breathed the same air as other famous people. So it is all good. 

Angel on the other hand, did a lot better than everyone else, she touched his back, he was probably like why is someone molesting my back ahahaha and the best part is, Milly got a photo of it. AHAHA. 

Look how excited they are to be there. LOL
Maddy asked Geoffrey Rush why he got the Australian of the Year. AHAHAHA. 
 In other exciting news, our Senior Jackets arrived. Yay! So happy they arrived, and they look really, really good. Good job to whoever designed it! Don't have a photo of mine, because I just don't have a picture of it. But Tony's jacket was so freaking funny, he wanted it to be blank, as in no name, but the people put 'Blank' on the back of his Jacket. ahahahaha. 

Today, I stayed back with the losers to do Chemistry, first hour was our typical spastic session. Left the library and literally took half an hour to walk to the BBC bus stop. I swear we talk so long to walk because we start pretending we're in the Olympics and start high jumping over random ropes on the oval, except Angel can't do it so Trisha and I decide to help her by lowering the rope because we're just quality people. 

If there was an award for being the Worst Bus Catchers, it would be awarded to us. So we were walking to bus stop, and we see a bus we start running, but then we all get tired so we stop running even though the bus is 20 metres away from us. So its like good effort. Also, when we got to the bus stop, we saw a bus but couldn't see what route it was, so Trisha and I decided not to hail it and then out of no where, Angel decides to like wave/hail/flick a bug out of her face idk what she did , but the bus driver had kinda passed the bus zone area, so he was stops just outside of it and lets just board. So freaking embarrassing, and what's worse was the bus was full of old people who were all judging us, so its like good job, high school students can't even catch a bus properly. 

It was also Trisha's birthday on August 5, but we celebrated on the Friday at school. Pretty sure Angel and I gave her the best card and present in her entire life. A thousand points to us. I would an actual picture of the card, but then Trisha would literally kill me by blowing me up, but yeah. Jade baked an super freaking yummy cake. I think these two photos are self explanatory. 

Finally finsihed CAS, yay. Finishing off all these IB related things is the greatest feeling in the world. Oh yeah, UMAT was like what the fukushima, well not really only section 3 was. Looks like my attempts at getting into Medicine are gone. LOL. Also did a Chemistry Prac on food a while pack, nearly burnt down the school because someone (probably Angel) but like food still on fire in the bin. ahahahaha. I think that is all I can remember and I also think I've spent enough time blogging and not enough time studying tonight :( I'll post about Arts Showcase and UQ Open Day hopefully this weekend, but yeah, maybe not. Year 12 Retreat is in 5 days.

 Wo shi freaking out.

Enjoy your weekend :)

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