Sunday, July 22, 2012

QASMT Senior Formal '12

I am only like a couple of weeks behind with this post, but the amazing thing is Senior Formal was exactly one month ago. Wo hen leng! 

I wouldn't say Formal was that good. I thought Semi was better, but oh wells. The food was a lot better than food at Semi but it still tasted bad. The Waltz took place in the a really small area. People could hardly move, so essentially we were trying to dance in Asia Sunnybank. I spent most of my time waiting for Maggie because she was lost, but then she turned into Maggi Noodles and then was not lost and she decided not to tell me. Thanks for that.
I think the most exciting part of Formal was the food. The drinks that were available was like bad. There was Mineral Water, Soft Drinks and Fruit Punch. The water was probably tap water. The only 'Soft Drink' was Coke, and that didn't even taste legit. The Fruit Punch was the only decent thing to drink, but they didn't think about the jugs properly. Like naturally, when you drink Fruit Punch you would want to have some fruit, because its called Fruit Punch, but the jugs were badly designed you couldn't get any fruit. Good Job Catering people, good job!

Goats Cheese Crostinis, Vine Tomato Salad with 20 year old balsamic and petit herbs.
From what I tasted, it tasted bad. It was like eating bark. The presentation was good okay not really, but I'm trying to think about what was good with it which is nothing really. LOL. 
Thai Beef Salad with spring onions, herbs, dried chilli and fresh lime.
Quite possibly the worst salad I've had the misfortune to eat. Seriously, it was like torture. I 'swapped' with Rachel because I though this one would be better. I was wrong. 
Pan seared beef tenderloin with truffled pomme puree with roasted field mushrooms and beef stock reduction.
Seriously, who puts beef stock reduction in the name of the dish. If anything call it something more classy. I split the main with Rachel, and this tasted bad. The only thing that tasted good was mushrooms, because they are mushrooms. 
Oven Roasted Breast of Corn-fed Chicken with Param Ham & Sage Mouselline with steamed broccolini, lyonnaise potato and chicken jus.
Favourite dish of the night. The chicken tasted like a chicken and was so moist and everything a cooked chicken is supposed to be! There were so many vegetables like seriously, I thought I was eating a forest. 
The name of this dish is no on the menu. WTF. Discrimination towards Vegetarians! It was supposed to be fancy risotto it tasted like congee except more thick. 
Black Forest Pavola Roulade with Red Berry Sauce.
This literally tasted crap, the only good thing about it was the strawberry. The pavola was so fail, tasted so gross. So glad I didn't get this, I would have like started crying if I had to finish eating it. 
Tiramisu Cheesecake with Coffee Bean Anglaise.
I hate coffee, but this tasted so good. I must say it was one of the desserts that I've enjoyed. The only bad part of it was the cream, it tasted too creamy. But apart from that, it was the best! 
Okay photo time :) These aren't in any particular order because I have so many photos from Formal in so many different folders. 
Our ride. Thank you to Jade for organising everything, pretty sure without her we would have like epically failed at everything formal related. 

Nicole and her series of inappropriate photos! There are more, but just too inappropriate to show!
Clearly enjoying the food at formal!
Photo withe Hummer where I don't look stupid. LOL, Sorry Nic. AHAHAHAH. The parents got a bit too excited about the hummer and were no stop taking photos, its like I know I look good, but please take it slowly, so I can look at all the cameras. Nic's mum was just a bit more into the hummer than other parent, and started running across the grass to take a photo with it. LOL. 
With the born sus nobo! AHAHAH.
I reckon this is a pretty cool photo of the hummer. Good job to whoever took it!

With Yuhuan and the Creepy Yellow Wong Wou Stalker!

Because playing with my food was obviously a better way to make my moneys worth than eating it.
Half a group photo with the Bridge people!
Mr Eggs and Hams is the best!
I look a bit too happy to be holding a balloon. 
This was the point where the Filos were being beyond inappropriate. 
Eileen and Farzan performing! They are so talented and amazing!
Obviously the photographers were taking the best photos!
Another quality photo from the photographers. LOL.
Not being sarcastic this time, a quality photo taken by the photographers. 

Group photo of the grade on the staircase. Roman is the best!
 When Formal ended, we went to the post at Nicole's. Her house is freaking massive and it was so funny! Best part of the night, when Angel got stuck in the toilet and Nicole's dad had to take the door apart to get her out. AHAHAHHA. We thought she was sleeping in the toilet, because she wouldn't reply when we asked her questions. Nobody used that bathroom afterwards. AHAHAH. There was so much food, it was crazy! We all got into this eating food mode at like 3am, and Trisha and I made the World's crappiest pancakes. ahahahahah. Probably gave people food poisoning. ahahahah. Nicole's parents took everyone minus Jacqueline to Sizzler afterwards. First time going to Sizzler and it was so much fun! The cheesy bread is so cheesy. It was so yummy. Craving it right now!

Thank you to Jade and her parents for holding the Pre Formal at their house and Nicole and her parents for holding the Post at their house. Made the night so much better! Thank you!

I think that is enough blogging for today. Time to UMAT for the first time in my life. LOL. Byeeee :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ding A Ling's 17th

Dedication right here. Second post in a day and I'm suffering from sleep deprivation because of EE! /proudface.

Anyways, I was going to meet up with Angel and have an 'Amazing Race'. But she was 2 hours late, which was like okay. Walked around Myer Centre and found Elaine, Riya, Leeann and Yuji. Went to Elizabeth Arcade and then the group split to buy stuff before going to Shabuhouse. It was my first time going there, and the place was amazing. I have stolen these pictures from people's blogs and facebook (y)

Very large selection of Sushi!
Our table! 
Surprising Ding Dong!
After Alyssa's first attempt at cutting the cake. Good job! LOL
Alyssa's friend from her old school were so awesome and so creative! AHAHAHAH. 

For once I wasn't the tallest. LOL!
First Group Photo minus Vee who was taking the photo
Second Group Photo minus Dan and Erika who left early.
  Angel and I didn't go with the others to San Churros! It was very sad. Thank you to Alyssa for the invite and Happy Birthday again, even though I'm like a month late. LOL. 

Karise Eden Live

Hi. Long time no blog. I am sorry, but at least I am blogging now. I've changed my blogskin since my last post yay! So continuing off from my last post which was like last month (epic fail) during the second week of the holidays I went to see Karise Eden with Leeann, Maggie, Trisha and Trisha's sister. 

We all wanted to get her autograph and meet her, so we decided to be there really early. I got to Garden City at 9 and was freezing. Leeann arrived an hour later and then we got her CD and lined up :) We were like one of the first 30 to line up. Trisha and Maggie on the other hand were late, and hardly been to Garden City before, so it was like good job guys!

I had no idea which songs she was singing, because I am like her biggest fan! Maggie was really lucky since she got Karise to write her a message! 

Selfie whilst Karise was performing / Signed Album / Karise performing

Check out her winner's single - You Won't Let Me

It is pretty good isn't it?