Saturday, April 27, 2013

Picture & Caption Update II

"All I know since yesterday is, everything has changed." - Taylor Swift
Hi guys! Since I'm such an amazing blogger, it has been a month since I last blogged. So now that I have finished my midsem exams, I have no excuse to not blog. Hope everyone did well in their midsem exams! Anyways, here's a recap of the last month or so! 

Dinner at Jo-Jo's with Kirsty, Grace, Natalie, Nadi, Edison and Neilson

Eating our feelings before and after Anatomy mid sems.

 Went to Edison's house to kill time, and then this happened... 

Anita's 18th! Happy (belated) Birthday Mei Li!

Needless to say, there was a lot of water used that day! 

3D G.I. Joe: Retaliation with Nadi, who just commented on Shadow Storm/Lee Byung-hun's  external abdominal obliques. 

Free Noggi at UQ!

Sorry for the really, really poorly structured post! I hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend and I promise the next post will be some what decent! :) I also made a account, so click here to ask away!

In the meantime, check out the latest music video from Taylor Swift! I will be singing this to whoever turns 22 and those already 22!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Picture & Caption Update I

"In youth we learn; in age we understand." - Marie von Ebner-Eschebach
Hello Readers!

Sorry for not updating in a very long time. The holidays basically made me too lazy to blog, and since university started I have been swamped with studying Anatomy. I am absolutely loving uni apart from the fact I dress like a bogan every day and a bird decided to use me as a toilet last week. Needless to say, I had roast bird that night. Anyways, here's my first ever Picture & Caption Update.
Sianee's 17th at Shabuhouse

Got my Learners on Singles Awareness Day, Burger Urge  
Selfies after a pointless Psychology Induction during O Week. 

Success at UQ Market Day!  

City and Southbank with Trisha and Angel 
 Trisha and Angel at their best

Took a tourist photo because we saw so many others doing the same thing

Finally received my IB Diploma and the very first edition of 'Nobel'


Mid Semester Break is next week so hopefully I'll be blogging really soon! Enjoy the rest of your week!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Summer Holiday Update II

"We are each on our own journey. Each of us is on our very own adventure; encountering all kinds of challenges, and the choices we make on that adventure will shape us as we go; these choices will stretch us, test us and push us to our limit; and our adventure will make us stronger than we ever know we could be." - Aamnah Akram
Good Morning Readers!

I hope everyone has had a great start to the new year! I haven't updated in a while because the holidays have brought out my lazy side. January meant the release of IB Results and QTAC offers and I'm pleased to say I will be studying Occupational Therapy at The University of Queensland! Congratulations to everyone on their first round university offers and even if you didn't into the course you wanted, I hope second round offers work out for you! And also congratulations to all IB students, I hope you all received the mark you truly deserved! I must say I am anything but pleased with my uni timetable because I still have to go five days a week. However, I have PSYC1030 with Trisha and Angel so its all good!! Sign on for me is on in a few days, and I just hope I get the times I want! 

School has already started again, and it feel really weird knowing that people have started school again while I'm at home doing nothing. I hope the QASMT Seniors of 2013 make the most out of their last year! I hope I visit QA sometime soon because I miss it. I know I've said that I would never visit it because it was worst place in the world, but I really do miss my time there. Anyways, so I've gone out a couple of times since the last time I blogged. I went to Taylor Range Country Club in Ashgrove with Trisha and Angel because Trisha's family are members there so we got free entry. Thank you Jogia fam bam. After seeing the website I had such high expectations for it, but unfortunately it didn't meet the expectations because every second thing was broken, old or rusting. But in saying so, they had a wide range of facilities where were good. We attempted to have our own version of the Australian Open but we only lasted about 15 minutes before having a heat stroke because we were geniuses and decided to play when it was 35 degrees. We played two hours of tennis before giving up and jumping in the pool for a swim. 

Nandos for lunch which we burned off after 2 hours of tennis 

 Angel being Angel...
I've also gone to see Life of Pi and Pitch Perfect. If you guys haven't seen either of those movies I seriously recommend you do! Life of Pi is an adventure drama film based on the novel written by Yann Martel and its about a 16 year old boy who survives a shipwreck on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger. Trisha said that Life of Pi would be something that I wouldn't like watching, but I ended loving the film because it was so unpredictable. Pitch Perfect on the other hand is a musical comedy film about The Barden Bellas, a group of college girls, who complete against other a cappella groups to win Nationals. The Pitch Perfect cast make the movie so good, especially Rebel Wilson. Whenever you see her on screen, something hilarious is going to happen.
Some of the best parts of the movie: 
I hope everyone's holiday has been more exciting than mine. LOL, because mine have honestly been a daily routine of boring. I've been watching Castle and Once Upon A Time lately and I've finished rewatching City Hunter. I also went to Suitcase Rummage with Angel and Rebecca on Sunday. I didn't expect to find anything but I found some really good bargains! 
Glee Season 1 Volume 2, Glee Season 2 Volume 1, Mr Bean. All for $7 :')
 Angel at her best

Rebecca has also started a blogshop with her cousin, called BM Boutique, so click here to check it out. They are Brisbane based and sell items including jackets, tops, jewellery and dresses. 
I have also gotten a job at Kumon Underwood! Yay! I didn't even have to apply for the job because my brother was already working there and the centre was short of staff so I just got the job! And since its a tuition centre my work time is set and it fits in perfectly with my uni timetable which is awesome! Not too sure if I will take up a second job because I think it might be hard to balance two jobs and uni. 

 Ellen is also coming to Australia next month, but unfortunately no one cares about Brisbane. Anyways, I'm going to start Season 2 of Once Upon A Time now. In the meantime, check out Taylor Swift's latest music video - I Knew You Were Trouble.  

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your week!

Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: Year in Review

"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see." - Winston Churchill

Good Evening Readers!

I'm blogging twice in a day. Dedication right here guys!  Since there is only a couple of hours left of 2012 I'm going to reflect back on the year that was twenty twelve. This year I was a Senior at QASMT and part of the Class of 2012! I seriously love my cohort and could not have asked for a better group of people to spend my time at QASMT with. 

This year admin decided to be geniuses and changed our timetable where we start with Period 1 and have 'Pauses' where we just stop moving and pause. Anyways, a lot has happened this year and here is a recap of it, in basically no particular order of school events then random events!

The formal for QASMT was brought forward a term so we could 'focus' on Mocks. Formal is a once in a life time opportunity and it was a very enjoyable experience although the food was a bit terrible. I got my Semi stuff 1/2 hours before and since Formal is more important I got my stuff a day before. LOL. Thank you to Jade's family for holding the pre and Nicole's family for holding the post!

Year 12 Retreat was a 3 day, 2 night camp and it was so amazing! I loved every single moment of it, and I wouldn't hesitate to go again! The activities that we completed and the battle scars that came with them were completely worth it! So don't even hesitate to go to Year 12 Retreat!


Our Music Captains Eileen and Tim were able to bring back Arts Showcase this year and I'm really glad that they. I swear QA kids are so talented and I'm really glad that they had the opportunity to showcase their talent for us! We were also able to see Harry again! 

Two weeks before my final exams was the Grade 12 Farewell Assembly! The teacher's item was 'I Come From the Land of IB' and I think it was the best one I've seen by far! It was really great to see the entire school supporting the Seniors of 2012 for the final exams! 

Graduation was a day I couldn't not believe that had arrived after 12 years of school! But none the less it was such a great night. I'm really happy to have celebrated end of the International Baccalaureate and High School with my cohort! Thank you to Jade's family for holding our Graduating Party!

And those are my school related highlights! Here are the non-school related ones which including meeting Karise Eden and The Collective 

So these have been some of my favourite moments of 2012. This year has been filled with its ups and downs, but I hope that everyone remembers the good ones and forget the not so good ones! It is the new year tomorrow and I hope that 2013 is a lovely year for everyone!

Happy New Year!