Sunday, October 7, 2012

30 Days and Counting

"Try again, fail again. Fail better." - Samuel Beckett

Good Evening Readers!

School starts tomorrow, and that means two weeks of holidays have come and gone by! I've only updated once these holidays, haha, but at least I'm blogging now. Exams are in less than 30 days and instead of using these holidays effectively, I have watched Scary Movie 1, Scary Movie 2, Scary Movie 3, The Dictator and Valentine's Day. Watched Scary Movie 2 at the same time as Trisha and Angel and we skype called at the same time. So funny, pretty sure our  ears have gone a billion times worse because Angel cannot stop screaming. New season of Grey's Anatomy, Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother and Revenge are back, adjflkefaelkjfeljreragd. So happy! Been waiting to find out what happens in Grey's Anatomy and Revenge for ages! I really recommend these two dramas because they are so good, and Pretty Little Liars! Best TV Shows Ever! It is a shame that I won't be watching them until after exams. 

Last ones for the Buy 1 Get 1 Free Offer at Easyway / Hoyts Movie Voucher from Nuffnang / Random Asian Movie Tickets 

Anyways, during the first week of holidays I attended Badran's Chemistry Intensive Revision Workshop. It was really helpful but it made me feel better I guess about Chemistry, because it helped me work out topics that I need to focus more on, because my lovely Chemistry teacher is too slack to do any marking. The workshop was held at Somerville House, and the campus is really nice! Their library is so much better compared to ours, the resources they have are a lot better as well :( I also played Monopoly for the first time during the Workshop, haha. Since Cotton On was having sales, Trisha, Angel and I decided to go last night shopping. Alyssa ended up joining us because we are just that awesome. /brushes dust off shoulders. While we were at Cotton On, Lady Marmalade started to play just as 'Christina' was leaving. ahahaha. If you don't know what I'm talking about then click here

Angel went down to Sydney for a couple of days and while she was packing, Trisha and I had a few conversations with Mr Lao/Uncle Weng. While Angel was in Sydney, I found a place to play Monopoly online, click here to go to the site. The site isn't that great, it gets really laggy sometimes. But when you play Monopoly, there is a place where you can talk to the other players. Pretty sure Trisha and I have made a few enemies on Monopoly. LOL. Here are some of our finest moments: 


And here are some of my finest trades: 


I know, you don't have to tell me. I'm so good at Monopoly. 

While playing Monopoly, we got bored since we didn't have a person to troll we decided to go on Chat Roulette. Angel became friends with a gay couple, I talked to someone in his final year of IB in Melbourne and Trisha, well she just got exposed to a lot of nudity. 

Found this photo on Facebook, I don't think its meant to be funny, but I just lost it when I saw it. 

Yesterday, I went to Carindale with a cactus except I was just roaming around for like half and hour, because someone was too lazy to get there on time. We pretty much spent most of the time at Cotton On, because everything was on SALE. Everything on sale was $5 or under. We were in the store for like 30 seconds, before I knocked a pair of shoes over. Moved onto Typo next, and oh my gosh, best day of my life, found spinout pens for $1 each. The designs were pretty dodegy though, it was either a floral one or a seizure one... naturally, I chose the seizure one. Cactus, also decided to knock down a clock and like make a gigantic noise and everyone was looking at us. How embarrassing . Walked round Carindale a bit more before going back to Cotton On, with a sales assistant person was like, "Welcome back, again" How embarrassing, she remembered us. Didn't buy anything the second time round because I had pretty much searched every inch of the store for a bargain, but then as we were leaving Cactus decided to knock over an entire stack of clothes, in from of someone who worked at Cotton On.  Embarrassment for the fourth time. Bussed to Garden City to go to Cotton On, pretty sure we're Cotton On addicts and at first we were disappointed but then we found this place of sales stuff and then we were so happy. Bought 2 pairs of shoes for a dollar each, how crazy is that? The original price of the shoes were $20, so I got $40 worth of shoes for $2. haha. Got to admit, the shoes are pretty ugly, but hey, they were only a dollar. 

Seizure Typo Pens / Cactus's Apology for leaving stranded in Carindale.

Probably my last update until exams are over! Three years of working coming down to about 3 weeks of exams! We can do this, just believe in yourselves and do the very best that you can! 

Study hard and Best of Luck Seniors '12!



& Grade 11 Anticipated!

Bring It On International Baccalaureate!

Monday, October 1, 2012

#180912 San Churro

Hello Readers!

Long time no blog, I know I haven't updated in a while but at least I'm blogging now. Mock exams finished during the last week of school, and to celebrate my group and I decided to go to Chocolateria San Churro. Physics kiddies finished their exams on Monday so they had to celebrate end of exams a day later. Caught the bus with Jade, Andy, Nicole and Sianee, and those guys are beyond embarrassing, Nicole has no shame. She also failed at taking a hundred selfies. LOL. We got to San Churros and Jacqueline and Angel were there. Angel was on time for the first time. Jade called Shruti since she ditched us to go on a date with her Uncle, but the Uncle person picked up and Angel was like Hello Osama. 

San Churros has a really nice atmosphere, and its a really good place to just relax with friends or by yourself. The service is okay, they staff did come around a few times asking about our orders which was a tad annoying, but then they fail to put down Jacqueline and Jade's orders so.... shame! I must say, churros didn't taste like what I thought it would, I was surprised that it was crunchy/crispy but now I'm craving Max Brenners waffles. 

Milk Hot Chocolate!
Fondue for Two which I shared with Trisha, because we were too scared to share with one of the Filipinos! 
Photos of the Filipions are blurry because they went spastic while they were eating. Angel even got chocolate on her tie/scarf/belt thing because she missed her mouth when she was drinking her hot chocolate. LOL!

Jade's Choc Cream Sundae/ Andy and Sianee's Crema De Fresa / Jacuqeline's Choc Banana Sundae
I know, don't tell me I'm so attractive. 
After San Churros, Jade had to leave for tutor but the rest of us went to Karaoke! Yay! Walked to city, but then Trisha had to leave. Karaoked for a hour and a bit, before Sianee and I left. They finally had Super Bass! Yay! Did our traditional Abba and Adele songs, and we also acted out Gangnam Style. ahaha. It was a really good end of exam celebration since I thought exams were pretty bad, but surprisingly for Maths, Mandarin and English I've done so much better than I thought I would, so I've been really happy! I wish I could say the same for Biology and Chemistry, but oh wait, I can't say anything because Norris is probably still marking them!

Here are some of the selfies that Nicole attempted to take on the bus. Enjoy!

It is really late, and I'm watching The Dictator right now, so good night/morning readers!

Freaking out just a little bit!