Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Picture & Caption Update I

"In youth we learn; in age we understand." - Marie von Ebner-Eschebach
Hello Readers!

Sorry for not updating in a very long time. The holidays basically made me too lazy to blog, and since university started I have been swamped with studying Anatomy. I am absolutely loving uni apart from the fact I dress like a bogan every day and a bird decided to use me as a toilet last week. Needless to say, I had roast bird that night. Anyways, here's my first ever Picture & Caption Update.
Sianee's 17th at Shabuhouse

Got my Learners on Singles Awareness Day, Burger Urge  
Selfies after a pointless Psychology Induction during O Week. 

Success at UQ Market Day!  

City and Southbank with Trisha and Angel 
 Trisha and Angel at their best

Took a tourist photo because we saw so many others doing the same thing

Finally received my IB Diploma and the very first edition of 'Nobel'


Mid Semester Break is next week so hopefully I'll be blogging really soon! Enjoy the rest of your week!!