Tuesday, November 27, 2012

#221112 Graduation: Class of 2012

"You may leave school, but it never leaves you." - Andy Partridge 
Good Evening Readers!

On Thursday November 22, 2012 I graduated from Queensland Academy for Science, Mathematics and Technology. Although it was six days later than QSA schools, the day had arrived after three years of the International Baccalaureate. I couldn't have asked for a better cohort to share this day with, I am truly going to miss everyone! But congratulations to QASMT Class of '12. We have made it, we got there and we have all done our very best! So let's enjoy this well deserved break!

French Exams and Graduation Rehearsal were held in the morning! It was a waste of time, they started late and told us useless information. Only exciting part was when we got our gowns and everyone pretended to be at Hogwarts. haha. After rehearsal I went to Sunnybank to have Yum Cha with my parents, the place we went to sucked! But I'm not surprised, everything sucks in Australia!

Okay, I think its time for pictures to do the talking!

 Instep 2!
Some of the Insteps left the stage with style, while others like mine just walked off. haha. 
 Photo with the fam bam
The wong gou and the principal 

Group photo with some of the lovely people who've made my time at QA so much more enjoyable!
The Wong Gou! 
Mc Lao, the flying Cow! 
 Dr Lawrence, one of my favourite teachers at QASMT! She even watches Grey's Anatomy!

We also got given gifts from the school, gifts we probably paid for ourselves. We got a folder containing our graduation certificate, our Insights Magazine, a white Stole which says 'Class of 2012' and a Keychain which also says 'Class of 2012'. It was nice to have more memorabilia apart from our Senior Jackets!

Graduating Class of QASMT 2012!

The next day, we had a party at Jade's house to celebrate Graduating from QASMT, Jacqueline getting DUX, Jacqueline's Birthday, Nicole's Birthday, Nicola's Birthday, Declan's Birthday and Harry's Birthday! Yay! Thank you to Jade and her family for hosting our parties for the last two years!

Yeah I know. You don't need to tell me, I'm so attractive!

Here is a video that Tim  made for Graduation! It was such a great video to recap all the memories during the last three years! He even chose the best photo of me...

Congratulations QASMT Class of 2012! 
We conquered the IB!
You guys have been an amazing cohort, and I know you guys will all succeed in whatever pathways you choose to take! All the best for the future!

Monday, November 19, 2012

#191112 Freedom from the IB!

"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself." - William Faulkner

Good Evening Readers!

Today is Monday November 19 2012 and today marks the day where I have finished all my November Final IB Exams!

30 second dance party!

I honestly cannot believe that my exams have already finished! Time is going by so fast! Three weeks ago, I had my first exam which was my English Paper 1 and now I have finished 13 exams! I must say November 2012 exams have been alright, I was expecting to get set alight by the exams because I would get burnt that badly!  

Trisha and Angel had their last exam on Thursday and then decided to party when I had finished my exams! So today we went a bit craycray in the city! Once again, we hardly took any photos because we just never do. LOL. First we went to Nando's and Angel decided to put 'Extra Hot Sauce' on my plate, so I ended up covering her entire plate and her chicken with it. She nearly died. ahahahah. Went to Zoom for Team SAT Post Exam sticker photos! I must say the lady there this time was stupid, when we took our Pre Exam ones, the lady was so much nicer, she went spastic with us! Angel was also stupid and decided to get us a bad machine even thought we told her. Karaoked for 2 hours afterwards, and we went craycray. Except in the last thirty minutes we were running out of songs and we were really tired. I don't think we will be going to karaoke for a while and we can't since Trisha is going to India. Went to get bubble tea from Hazel Tea Shop and Angel got jelly down her shirt. haha! I think it left a stain as well! We found presents for Nicole and Jacqueline before we headed home. It was a really great way to celebrate end of IB exams with the two hobophiles! 

Short post tonight, because I haven't blogged in a while and I am doing a 1000 piece puzzle! I started this in the beginning of the year but only ever got the border complete. Hopefully I can finish before Graduation which is very, very soon! Yay! Photos will come at a later date, because right now "wo hen lei". 

I'm not going anywhere these holidays and I have a lot of stuff to update about, so stay tuned! I am actually really excited for my holidays because this will be the first time in a while where I don't have to worry about Extended Essay, study and the IB in general! Pretty sure I'm just going to use these holidays to catch up on my drama/TV Shows! My list includes The Bill, The Sarah Jane Smith Adventures, Castle, Sherlock, New Girl and many more on top of my normal shows!

Right now, I'm watching X Men: Evolution which is an animated series of X Men! I remember watching it in primary school but I never finished watching it! It such a good show! Anyone who enjoys watching X Men, or MARVEL shows should seriously watch it! Not sure what I will watch next but I will keep you guys informed because obviously my holidays will be filled with excitement! 


Good Luck to Spanish and French kids who still have exams! 

You guys are getting there, don't give up and don't lose motivation! You guys can do it! 

Follow me on Nuffnang X if you guys have an account and in the meanwhile, check out Taylor Swift's latest music video - Begin Again! Her latest album, Red is out and I think I'm going to get it these holidays!

Enjoy the rest of your week!